St. Hippolytus
- Martyr Born - 170 Died - 235 in Sardinia
- 13 August
- Antonio Frediani He received a down payment of 20 scudi
in 1702 and the balance of 60 scudi in 1703. It is the only
known work of the sculptor.
created - c.1702-1703 On 18 July 1702, Frediani undertook
to execute the statue and delivered it on 15 February 1703.
- 3.1 m. (10ft 4in) travertine The saint is depicted as a
youth in military dress, with a cloak fastened on the left
shoulder. His right hand holds an unknown instrument, perhaps
a yoke as an attribute to the story that he was dragged to
death by wild horses.
The priest Hippolytus was the
most important third century theologian in Rome. His principal
work is the 'Refutation of all Heresies.'
Saints on South Colonnadebr>Charlemagne Wing
85. Basilissa, 84. Hippolytus
Saints on South Colonnade Charlemagne Wing
85. Basilissa, 84. Hippolytus
Roma Sacra - San Pietro in Vaticano, Itineraries 21-22, ©Fabbrica
of St. Peter's, July 2001
Le Statue Berniniani del Colonnato di San Pietro by Valentino
Martinelli ©1987 by de Luca
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